Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Don't Fall In

This short, humorous story by Bryon Nightshade brings up an interesting question regarding one of the main characters of Phantasy Star IV. (Whether or not that question is answered...well, this post shall remain spoiler-free!) Our beloved heroes set out to take on the Profound Darkness, but stumble upon an issue no one could have predicted!


Rune, Rika, Chaz, and Wren looked down into the hole.

It was impossibly dark down there.

Chaz gulped. "Wren, tell me something."

"No data," the android replied. "None of my sensors can penetrate into that darkness. No readings on infrared, ultraviolet, or radar."


"It's definitely the place. This is the epicenter of the Black Energy Wave. It makes me a little nauseous to stand here, to be honest. Without the Rings of the Stars we'd be dying for sure."

Silence settled over the party. It was one thing to know that this was their destination, and that their target was inside. It was another to plunge into such a place. Even Chaz, who couldn't tell the Black Energy Wave from chocolate syrup, felt hatred and danger emanating from the hole, and was in no hurry to leap into it.

Wasn't the Profound Darkness waiting for them inside? A being that even the Great Light had been unable to destroy? How could they hope to do more than that?

Another dimension existed through that hole. Even from here it seemed to stretch their sanity. The hole was bottomless, as near as they could tell. If they did jump in, would they ever hit bottom?

Chaz ground his teeth together. He needed to play for time. "Uh... hey, Rune, I've been meaning to ask you something."

Rune thought he might have answered impatiently at some other time, but if it meant delaying dropping into that madness, he would play along. "Yes?"

"I've been wondering this for a while. How did you get to Motavia?"

Link to full story: Don't Fall In

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